10 Quick Tips for a Hassle-Free Holiday
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6
Ahhhh, chesnuts roasting by an open fire…Jack Frost nipping at your nose…car horns blaring and long lines forming…Pinterest recipes burning and ill-fitting gifts returning. Yep, that’s the holiday season all right. The hustle and bustle of the Christmas season can strain the most tranquil of temperaments. Can we relish the holidays without succumbing to the stress? Absolutely. Mix careful planning with a hefty cup of determination and sprinkle it with a pinch of Christmas spirit, and you can take the hassle out of the holiday.
Enjoy every moment with 10 quick tips for a hassle-free holiday.
Start shopping early. Shop throughout the year and find places that offer layaway or monthly payments without added interest. Look for great deals after the holidays.
Set realistic goals. Decide which holiday activities you most want to do and what you’ll need to skip. Make a plan and stick to it. Purchase show tickets as presents so you can celebrate and make memories all at one time.
Stay focused. It’s Jesus’ birthday. Savor all that means in meaningful ways instead of bagging it and tagging it. Attend a Christmas service as a family, read the Story from Luke, and make the most of the Advent season.
Stay healthy. You’ll have more energy and less regret if you’ll practice moderation, drink extra water during dry, cold seasons, and get exercise. Don’t skip the festivities; just add a cycle class, a local hike, or an evening walk around the block to your holiday routine.
Share Christmas. Choose one of many worthy local or worldwide causes to contribute to as a family. One of my favorite moments on Thanksgiving day was making a sock snowman with local children at the motels where we served Thanksgiving dinner as a church. You’ll get more by giving more.
See beauty in unexpected places. Look for ways to bring out the best in that harried employee or frazzled cashier. Pace – don’t race – and you’ll notice people in the flurry of holiday activities. This Christmas, let your strength define you, not your surroundings.
Stay within your budget. Avoid splurging all month on purchases outside your budget. If you can’t pay it off within a month, don’t get it. The thought counts far more than an extravagant purchase you can’t afford.
Seek ways to encourage those who are lonely at holiday seasons. Include those grieving the loss of a spouse or those reeling from divorce in your holiday plans. Send that card…make that call…take the time to let them know they’re valuable and loved.
Space out the workload. Instead of cramming it all into a couple of days, space out your to-do’s over weeks, freezing meals in advance and wrapping all you can early. Don’t allow labor-intensive items to rob you of the best moments of Christmas.
Stay present. It’s easy to get distracted by the many preparations and unique challenges the holiday season brings. People matter more than things; stay present with those around you.
Take a deep breath. Grab a cup of hot cocoa, put your feet up, and watch the latest Hallmark movie. Indulge yourself a few hours of peace and quiet as you embark on the holiday season. More than anything, keep your heart fixed on the true reason we pause to celebrate: God so loved a broken, splintered world, that He gave His one and only Son. That whoever believes that Jesus is the Son of God would not perish but have eternal life.
The best tip for a hassle-free holiday? Keep your heart on Jesus. Love Jesus and love people. God is sending you out this December to a hurting world…the Target employee, the lonely neighbor, the stressed mom of littles. Be Jesus to someone this Christmas and watch in wonder as you discover His beauty in unexpected places.
Make Your Life Matter No Matter What
With love,